Friday, January 26, 2007

Not unless the kid weighs 200 pounds

So I'm still house-sitting out here on the desert prairie and on my way home from work I pass one of those diamond yellow caution signs. You know the ones...sometimes they have a swervey arrow, sometimes they warn of a big turn ahead or a stop light...stuff like that. The funniest one I've seen was down in Tucson and it appeared to be cautioning you about families of people randomly running across the road (most likely referring to border crossers since there wasn't a neighborhood nor shopping center on either side of the street). This one was a distant second - it had a see-saw on it with regular ol' stick figure kids.

Beware of the furmious teeter-totter? Of four-year olds?

Now maybe it's just asking drivers to be cautious because we're by a park and kids might be running around. Okay, that's cool...I can understand that. Except that the park is fenced in and the entrances weren't really within kid bolting distance...or even 4-year old distance-running distance...of the signs. So unless one of the kids lookin' at that see-saw is a 200 pound gordito and is about to launch a toddler into the sky, or unless they mobilized the teeter-totters and mounted turrets on them (Woah...that ride would have kicked ass when I was younger. What am I talkin' about, that would kick ass now!) I don't think there's a terrible amount to be cautious of right there.

I bet they don't even have a see-saw in the park.

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