Thursday, May 31, 2007

Proof that we're getting dumber as a nation

There are certain instints we're born with, the most basic of which is the instinct to survive as a species. This includes such activities as seeking nourishment, shelter, and reproducing.

After infancy, most folks wouldn't need too much help with these when it came down to it. It's written somewhere within the folds of our brains (or maybe that crazy cerebellum/brain stem area...can't remember).

So why, then, does my Mr. Goodbar come with instructions on how to open it?

"Lift and Pull here. Hold here."

Have things really become so bad that members of our society have forgotten how to open candy? I mean, it's CANDY, for cryin out loud!!! Not only does this fall under the whole nourishment gig...loosely...but we rehearse this as kids multiple scheduled times per year!

Man, we're in trouble. Next thing you know, we're gonna forget how to reproduce and then we're REALLY screwed!

(And only now as I read what I just typed do I realize the irony in that choice of words...)

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