Tuesday, May 08, 2007

What's your name, again?

Yesterday a friend of mine said she was likely coming out to AZ for the holidays and I told her she was welcome to stay at my place.

I've known her for a year and a half, but it didn't occur to me until four hours after I opened up my home to her that I don't even know her name. Heh...

(It's Jenny. I found out today.)


Unknown said...

What does it say about you that you'll let a lady stay at your place without knowing her name???

I'm not sure, but it certainly sounds like an interesting 'visit'.

Unknown said...

It says that I know her by a different name :-)

It's good to hear from you again! It figures that the first time I hear from you in months you bust my chops, but I wouldn't expect anything less from you. Where the heck have you been??? You okay?

BTW, the visit is just to have company during the holidays.

Unknown said...

How could I not take the opportunity to check on you inviting ladies to your house without knowing their names? ;)

I've been starting a small business, and it's kind of taken off. So, instead of blogging I spend time looking at beads online and making jewelry. It's awesome and I'm really happy about it, but it means less time to blog my worldly observations.