Sunday, August 13, 2006

Too much judging, not enough beer

Let see far the tally looks like this:

Hours spent judging - 30
Drinks consumed during the convention - 0


Tonight I got so bored and tired ans sleep deprived that I started singing "On the twelve days of Worlds my players gave to me..."

Every day ended with "...a beer!" Too bad that was only a made up song and not reality - any player that brought me a beer would have received an automatic game win.

The real irony of all this is that our tournaments have been held in the Budweiser Lounge all weekend (no joke!), and all weekend the lounge has remained completely dry, selling only water and soda.

Notice that neither of those options is beer.


Hayden said...

The long hours and lack of vodka was one of the top reasons I stopped judging 30 hours at conventions.

Anonymous said...

I guess only a select few would dare to judge AND drink beer. (=

- Enrique