Thursday, July 13, 2006

Making wise choices vs. living in fear

For those that haven't heard it on your local news, there are two serial criminals - one shooter, one rapist, apparently neither of which work together - on sprees in the valley. You can read about it here if you like. What it boils down to is hundreds if not thousands of residents are staying inside or otherwise living in fear because of these two criminals.

Part of me says, "Shame on you!" People die much more frequently in vehicle accidents and in far more random, unpredictable manners than with these two criminals. Why would you just start changing your behaviors and living in fear now?

The other part of me remembers hearing the experiences of a rape victim related in more detail than I ever care to hear again. It remembers how much I hate the act of rape, how disgusting, violating, and vile it is. It thinks of how I would react if it wasn't just me, but my son or daughter that I was with - would I expose them to increased risk factors just on principle? I don't think so.

Gang violence...terrorism...random accidents. These types of things, in my mind, are nothing to be afraid of. To live in fear of them is to be held hostage in your own life. But this rapist guy...I look forward to the day he gets hauled in. And boy, he better pray that the authorities kill him - they're supposed to do so rather efficiently - because heaven forbid an angry husband or an incarcerated murderer gets to him first. Me, on the other hand, I hope he gets castrated by someone setting his testicles on fire.

I know, I's not my place to hand down judgement and punishment, but I just have little compassion for those that do something so terrible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If car accidents are more likely to get you, wouldn't staying at home be good for that too?

- Enrique