Wednesday, July 12, 2006

About Psoas

Okay, before I let someone massage or otherwise touch a part of me that's likely to trigger a primal emotional mechanism and cause ridiculous pain, I might consider...say, LEAVING? That's not massage, folks. Nope. I don't care what your silly textbook says. Yeah, and if someone tries that on me, right after the blinding pain but pre-tear-filled-emotional release, ima go Marine Corps on their ass, rip their arm off, and jab it through their torso.

But I promise to curl up in a fetal position and feel *reeeeally* bad about it afterwards, though.


Anonymous said...

Here's the plus. If you have serious back problems, you have an incredible release from psoas work.

I did not have the right kind of back problems. I need my erectors worked on. Those run all up and down the spine. Tomorrow I'm going under for 2 hours on that. It's gunna be good!!!

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy having my erector worked on!

- Enrique