Monday, July 03, 2006

Day 3

Finally, a full day in the tourney room!

- Buca, as always, was all kinds of good yummy food. Mmm...cheesy garlic bread, mashed potatoes, meatballs, salad, spaghetti....mmmm....

- We actually have participants today, but we knew we would. It's regionals!

- I'll get to hang out w/Sonny tonight so at least I'll have a little bit of home here. The funny thing is I don't normally miss home that much when I'm at conventions (and never miss the weather) but I *really* wish others were here with me. It's just not as fun w/o the friends here. Kinda like the holidays, but not quite as bad.

- Robotech has a CCG now...gonna have to check that out. The cards look too dull, though, and that's a big part of the gaming experience for me.

- Part of me wishes I was good at our game because then I wouldn't feel like an idiot when playing; the other part of me is glad I'm not good because the better I am, the more pissed I would be at these types of thing. I lived that nightmare w/.hack, not gonna do it again.

- Trevor and Jason, this might be my last year of official convention volunteering. You've got me through GenCon Indy for certain. GenCon SoCal and beyond...yeah, not sure.

- Just watched the Transformer movie teaser...nifteh!

- If I come to AnimeExpo in the future I *might* just cosplay my monk, Shade. Might. Would be easy to do.

K, more later.

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