Saturday, April 01, 2006

Did I Just Hear A Cow?

That's the first thing I said as I was getting out of the moving van today.

Yup, it was a cow.


That's how far my mom's boss moved away from civilization. No, it wasn't a dairy farm. Just his neighbor's cow. WTH?

Anywho, there are certain things one should do when moving such as clear out any obstacles so your movers don't trip. At this place, however, there were vacuum cords, plant pots, and fountains in the way. Good times! I nearly had a safe dropped on me when I ripped the power strip out of the wall!

One should also consider asking for help. We were moving an entire house, starting at 7 this morning. It was myself, the husband, and one of his employees. That totals three bodies - mom and the dude's wife were inside doing cleaning or rearranging or something far less tiring - to move a whole fucking house, including the appliances, safe, HDTV, furniture, and 250 lb concrete turtle (yeah, weerd). My hands are swollen from scraping against oak furniture all day long. There's still essentially an entire house-worth of boxes to move. I'm not going back.

Oh, and while this doesn't have anything to do with the act of moving stuff, if you're building a $400,000 house (in California the home would go for about 1.2M depending on the area) you should consider painting it a reasonable color, one that doesn't make your friends point and go, "Geewwwww!" when the first see it (aka white and lemon yellow...the surrounding area is far more neutral). The inside is immaculate and the floor plan is particularly intelligent. Too bad all the good ideas ran out before it came to the exterior. But still, they've got a killer house and I hope they enjoy it.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Well, heck, now I won't feel bad the next time we need you to lift heavy stuff at the booth.

Oh, and I'm even more miffed now about you stealing Torii from me. Bastard!