Monday, April 17, 2006

I'm just not that kind of guy

I'm a little shocked at some of the correspondance I've received regarding my post entitled "A Good Night" (two posts down). Those of you that know me and read this pretty much know or could presume that I'm not so much a kiss-and-tell kind of guy, and if I *do* tell, I'm not about to tell it like that. Yet I started to receive various emails and messags... blah blah disrespectful...blah blah make me sick...etc.

Are you kidding me? Even if I *was* speaking literally, this is the internet for cryin' out loud!!! Refreakinlax! This isn't CNN, The Wall Street Journal, 24, or something important like that. If you're going to complain about something, do it about something that actually matters. Besides, I'm not sexy enough to make something like that happen (yes, Hayden, I know we can all work on our Sexy index but knowing me I'd probably stab myself with one of those little mixed-drink swords in the attempt, so I'll just stick with the lovable dork's worked so far).

Anywho, here's the explanation. Read it and laugh, or at least quitcherbitchen.

A lady from work asked me to come over and help her move this unusually large box out of her apartment. She's a bit on the short side and the box is roughly 4' x 8' so I buzz over there to assist. When I see the box and the hall/stairs i have to navigate it through I shudder a little bit, so rather than carry it awkwardly I set it down on the stairs and ride it down to the bottom like a toboggan. So I rode her box.

After that was all taken care of we were just chillin in her apartment and she had a hole in her jeans at her knee. I started playing with the tear and she asked, "Are you fingering my hole?" Why, yes...yes I am.

It got late and I ended up crashing there. I was ready to just lay down on the couch and she said she would share the bed with me, so we did. So yes, I slept with her all night long in the same bed. All clothes remained on.

So that's it. All the "juicy" details you need to understand that the post was nothing more than a simple double entendre, and you can bet that if other similar situations occurr I'll post about those, too. I *am* that kind of guy.

I don't take myself very seriously. To think that others did...well, I'm not sure if that's sad or just plain funny.


Anonymous said...

Wait a second... I thought you were sexy? I totally believed your story. I was living vicariously through you. Now I am sad. )=

- Enrique

Hayden said...

Clearly this is a coverup to appease the complaining masses...masses that can't get any themselves and are bitter at the sexiness of others. I've seen this all before. It is a shame us sexy folk have to hide who we are.