Saturday, April 22, 2006

News Fraud

Until recently I was under the impression that the "talent" on the news was so titled because they wrote their own stories (which are often largely biased and/or sensationalized). I didn't think many of them were all that talented writers producers, but whatever. Then I found out they don't even write their own stories for the most part and...yeah, not that I watch the news any longer, but now I really just don't care.

Talent? So now sitting there, lookin' purty, and reading someone else's half-assed crap is "talent?" Ugh. Whatever.

Here's an idea...someone go out and gather information, write it down for either me or yourself to read, and leave out any stupid sensationalistic nonsense. I can handle some mild bias, and if it's an editorial then bias is just fine, thanks. But for cryin' out loud, is there news out there that just speaks for itself? That doesn't need a pinwheel or fireworks to be good?

I'm actually kinda serious...if anyone has news sources they like that go easy on the bling (particularly bias towards any political party...i'm an issues guy, not a party platform guy), lemme know. I'm sure there's plenty of it somewhere but you just need to know where to go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll start listening to the weather report when the sports report starts "predicting" tomorrow's scores.