Saturday, April 22, 2006

My children are a pack of wild animals (and I love them for it)

In my little neck of the woods at work there is one chief, six lieutenants (that'd be me), and depending on staffing levels somewhere around 55-65 worker bees who I affectionately refer to as "children." This has nothing to do with age, DNA, or paternal instinct, but rather the fact that they're just that damn whiney and needy sometimes, and many of them do things because they just don't know any better. And I love'em. I don't love what they do sometimes but when the rubber meets the road they're largely just quality individuals and I'm blessed to have them work for me...particularly when we stay open three hours longer than we're scheduled to and only have 80 minutes of lead notice to prepare for it.

In any case, my children tend to have lots of personal problems on the homefront. The vast majority are ages 18-28 and are dealing with school demands, parental challenges, childcare issues, abuses, addictions, and various other scourges. During the week they work hard and stress hard, then the weekend comes and...holy shit, it's like an orgy! They all have each other's cell numbers and myspace addresses and all that happy trash, so once Friday arrives it's not a question of IF there's a party, but more when and where. I took a look at their myspace network today and was definitely enlightened. I'm glad they all mostly get along, though. Many of them stress over the same things so it's somewhat theraputic (even if it is at the cost of vital organ function).

I also found out that, on occasion, I'm the topic of discussion amongst some of the folks at work. Evidently I've been known as "the hot supervisor" by some of the lady worker bees. This is flattering, to be certain, but I'm also "the only male supervisor" so I kinda take it with a grain of salt. Regardless, I'm told that some of the employees have had some lewd thoughts about me so now I can't help but wonder when I'm in meetings, "Is she listening to me, or just undressing me?"

I think I'm okay with both.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are my hero!