Tuesday, September 13, 2005

My kids were needy today

I manage a group of about 23 people for a major credit union here in Arizona. And they're kinda like kids. I get them when they're young, build them up, teach them how they should do things, and inevitably they run off in their own directions to succeed or fail as they will.

Right now, 2/3 of my staff are what I could consider newborns-toddlers. And they were needy.

I have no children of my own (not complaining...there's time enough for them later), but I assume that my experience today was something like that of a parent chasing aroudn a room full of 2-4 year olds. Seperating those that aren't getting along. Helping people see what they did wrong and teaching them a better way. Apologizing to those parents of others that were wronged. Feeding them. And pleading for just a moment of silence to yourself in between putting out fires and trying to clean things up around the house.

Yeah. These are adults I'm talking about. And I'm in charge of them...wow...weird.

In spite of the tiring/stressful day, I enjoy what I do and I pretty much always have. Only once have I had a job that I couldn't figure out how to leave it at work and illicited swearing; when I noticed myself reacting like that, I knew it was time to go. But in pretty much everything I've done, the common thread has been growing up a group of people to be successful...teaching, coaching, youth work, managing, squad/fire team leader...I enjoy that. Taking a group of people and training them so they can be successful. My job isn't glorious, nor is it the best job in the world. But I like what I do, and in that regard I count myself blessed.

Even if it does mean cleaning up after 24 year old toddlers.

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