Thursday, September 08, 2005

Cheers to the gamerfolk

I recently found out that another friend of mine was laid off by a game/accessory company. Shortly thereafter I read that another high-profile volunteer resigned from my old corps. As one friend had his destiny handed to him and another chose it, I just wanted to honor those that I've met and worked with over the past couple of years in the industry...a "thank you" to those who have fed my addiction, so to speak.

Decipher - They gave me my first experiences in the industry. Some incredible people working incredibly hard.

Rook - They make the best damn deck boxes around!

Joyride - My new pimp. Quite a fine cast they've put together, and a product to match.

Wizkids - A neat gaming company I very nearly threw my volunteer efforts to.

Bandai - I worked hand in hand with these guys at times. Another company I almost shifted to.

WOTC - They may be the Evil Empire, but where would we be without them?

So three cheers to the gamerfolk!!! Here's to good friends and new opportunities! See you at the next con...

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