Saturday, September 24, 2005

A good day (the 72-hour kind)

I arrived at work yesterday to find caution tape and crepe paper (the pink kind) wrapping my office and gifts lining my desk. I figure it's a good sign when your employees think enough of you to tease you on your birthday weekend, although the caution tape may have been a legitimate warning to any passers-by that happened through the department. A princess then stole me away for a few minutes to sing me a song and present me with cake and candles (of which only a few were lit, but I didn't was cool, and they were the only cakes and candles I got).

Today I watched college football (a great day, might I add - but more on that tomorrow) and went bowling with a lot of old acquaintences. I got to talk with Sue-in-a-bottle, a dear former coworker of mine, and did something I haven't done in my entire life - converted a 6-7-10 split. It was quite the exciting moment, and the only one converted all day to the knowledge of the employees. After that I came home to watch more football before venturing off to the other side of the valley to have barbequed meat served to me at the local churrasco. If you enjoy meat and you've never been to one, you should be ashamed of yourself. My first experience with one was a 2.5 hour long sitting at Samba in the Mirage Las Vegas - probably the best first churrasco experience one could possibly have. The local one here had great food, just was missing the ambience. Anyway the list was incredible...tilapia, salmon, chicken breast, chicken legs, lamb, sausage, ham, filet mignon, top sirloin, prime rib, bacon-wrapped turkey...mmmmm. Meat, fire, and an incredibly cute hostess - quite possibly the most physically-attractive woman I've ever seen in my life. Greg, if you're reading this, she beats all the cute PF Chang's hostesses we've seen COMBINED. And then I had their chocolate mousse...sweet mercy, so good!

I'm gonna watch a movie now, then pass out, sleep in tomorrow, maybe have some margaritas at Applebees, maybe buy something electronic, watch more football...birthdays don't get too much better! All that's missing is a good woman and I'm golden! :-)

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