Monday, August 20, 2007

Finally they got one right (I hope)

Makers of fortunes for fortune cookies have become discouragingly lax in their originality recently; the pinnacle of the makers' failure can be seen in Triple G's relatively recent fortune of "You like Chinese food."


Today I went to Pei Wei's - a somewhat faster version of P.F. Chang's but still the same food - and ordered their Kung Pao Chicken.

(Editiorial note - I love getting lunch at Pei Wei's because it's like getting two meals in one for about $8.50, and there's nothin' wrong w/white meat and brown rice!)

This week we announce to our department the changes that are coming - an announcement that's been in the works for months now, one that we're VERY excited to put out there. And VERY nervous about the implemenation of.

So combining all that, imagine my pleasant reaction when I read my fortune today...

"You will be successful in your work."

Dang right, baby!

1 comment:

EJ said...

Everyone knows you have to add "in bed." at the end for it to be a good fortune cookie.

"Begin nothing until you have considered how it is to be finished." (Sounds like dating advice to me!)

"Goodness is it's own reward."
(Some times it's all about her happiness.)

"Tomorrow will be a productive day. Don't oversleep."
(It's just scary how well it works."

"Your love life will be happy and harmonious."

"You have creative power to achieve your aim, but wait for the right time."
(he he he...)

"People enjoy having you around."
(I'm not one to brag, but it's true)

"Be quicker of mind than of tongue."
(I'm been told this one isn't always true.) :P

And my #1 Fortune Cookie fortune:
"Generosity and perfection are your assets - and they show."
(Thank you, thank you!)

- Enrique