Monday, August 13, 2007


I don't just throw away my change. Yes, it makes it's way to some container after I get home, but I do use it, either for vending machines or to donate to our annual Children's Miracle Network change drive. This is an important understanding when taking into account these two instances...

- I was at Sonic and my total was $4.52. I handed her a $5 bill and took my food, but before I could turn back around to get my change, she was ten feet away walking back towards the building. Didn't ask if it was okay to keep the change. Just took it.

- I went to a taco joint and the bill was $6.46. I gave her $10.51, including two quarters and a penny. I figured three coins for one was a good space-saving decision. About fifteen seconds later she hands me back $4.02. And then she quickly shuts her window. Hmmm...

I tapped on the window.


"Can I get my other three cents, please?" I reach out my hand to give her back the two pennies.

She doesn't get it. A few more mathematical statements later she hands me a nickle...but doesn't take the pennies from me. Eventually I have to force herto take the pennies saying, "Trust me, your drawer will appreciate it later." After I drove off I wondered if she even knew what I meant, or what it was to "balance" at the end of the night.

These are only two instances of many over the past year, and I ask myself how many transactions are improperly "changed" in this country? And even further, how does $.02 come to equal $.05? Because that's seriously some math I could use.


Hayden said...
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Hayden said...

One of my favorite stories is how my best friend and I go to Au Bon Pain. He pays for some sandwich and uses a dollar coin. The lady holds it up, shrugs her head, throws it in the drawer with the other change and bills and proceeds to tell him he still owed $1 for the purchase. He was like, uh...that coin was worth a dollar. She didn't get it.

EJ said...

I <3 math.

I love throwing in extra change just to get 3 quarters out of the cashier. It drives them batty!

- Enrique