Thursday, August 25, 2005


That pretty much sums up the day.

I was coughing off and on last night before I went to bed; when I woke up I had a raw throat and congestion, which means one of two things - either I've succomed to the post-convention crud for the first time (the general attack on your immune system from shaking hands and touching the property of hundreds of strangers in between two plane trips which recycle the same air over and over) OR I'm getting a cold. Bleh.

This morning's meeting went relatively deaths to report. But work was boring, at one point having to deal with 120+ calls on hold and a failing internal telephone software system. Not to mention that someone very near and dear to my heart is on vacation this week so the time doesn't pass like it often does (I miss you...enjoy your vaction, but hurry back soon). Bleh.

(Okay, so I'm watching Sportscenter and they just covered a bilingual blind guy that's the color commentator for the Tampa Bay Buccanneers and Devil Rays. Blind. In two languages. That's my kind of sports fan, and one hell of a dedicated individual. Cheers to you, blind bilingual color commentator guy!)

I'm achy all over so I could use a massage. Bleh.

Dinner was grilled well but all the seasoning in the pantry, for whatever reason, wasn't able to spice up the meat. Bleh.

And I'm just flat out tired. Need to sleep tonight.


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