Saturday, April 14, 2007


After browsing around a few of our blogs, it looks like Triple G, T-Mac, and I - three intelligent and independent thinkers - all pretty much agree on something. And did so independently, stating our thoughts at very close to the same time.

Imus' comment was in bad taste to be sure, but the media villified him for it, in turn leading to the pulling of advertisement, which is what ultimately put his career on hold (let's not be so silly to think he won't get picked up by another station sometime down the line if he wants it). Not the comment. The money.

Sharpton is becoming more and more like a squawking, uncolorful mccaw that gets spooked at the sight of a melting snowcone.

Someone's right to free speech is no more violated by a blog owner/moderator deleting or editing their posted comment than Imus was by being let go from the station. Those indivduals still have the right to state their opinions without being brought up on charges, as do the institutions/organizations to moderate the comments and statements posted on their privately owned property. Whether or not such practices violate business ethics is an entirely different matter, but no freedom of speech rights are violated in either instance.

Now, back to the original point. The three of us mostly agree on something. Heaven forbid we start a business together...a consulting firm or legal firm or something. Goodness knows what kind of changes we might institute...although i can pretty well guarantee one of them would have to do with the Braves not being able to pick up Kansas City rejects.

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