Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The N-word and the C-word - neither are EVER nice

Interesting that Imus said his little nappy-headed comment the day after I comment on racial and sexist stuff. I'm not sure which actually doomed him more - the idiotic comment itself, or the fact that people didn't find it funny. Stuff gets said all the times that's particularly off-color, but if people laugh at it, it's safe under creative license and, ultimately, the fact that people don't pull their advertising dollars. If nobody laughs but you...well, you're screwed.

Anywho, Imus is an idiot for the comment. It just wasn't in good taste, and if he knows anything about the Rutgers team he'd know that the last word of his comment probably doesn't apply. I don't know about the state of their hair. What I find a bit odd is that Sharpton and Jackson are crucifying Imus, but I never hear a word out of them about how much some hip-hop artists degrade black people and women which gets FAR more radio play than Imus' comment. I don't care what color you are, calling women "hos" is degrading. Calling black people the N-word is degrading. Calling women the C-word is degrading.


Now I know some folks would say that the N-word is like a term of endearment between black people sometimes. They may consider it so. But to many people it also makes those same black individuals sound uneducated or devalued, and I'd think that if you're interested in fighting such things that you wouldn't use terms that historically meant someone was of less worth than his differently colored counterpart.

I don't know...maybe I don't understand because I'm not a minority. Seems like that shouldn't matter tho.

And speaking of nappy-headed...holy crap, Imus, look in a mirror first!

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