Friday, March 02, 2007

I can say that??? :-D

As part of the recurrent management training program at my workplace all management staff are required to sit through semi-annual harrassment and discrimination prevention seminars. Although the topic is rather dry, our presenter/lawyer is quite good and it's always a good time. Here are a few of the more memorable tidbits from this most recent session...

- "The f-bomb is gender neutral."; you cannot be successfully sued for gender discrimination for use of the word in the workplace

- "It is generally inadvisable to moon your customers...Because the company was aware of it's employee's mooning proclivity prior to the offense and did nothing to address said tendencies at the workplace, the company was held liable for damages."

- As said about the Las Vegas showgirls he was counseling immediately after they finished their topless revue performance: "They were really a handful."

I bet they were...ironic chioce of words for a harrassment prevention seminar, though.

1 comment:

BubbaJoe said...

I am partial to the Harrassment training telling me I should do something and my Ethics training telling us to do the exact oposite...

"If someone is doing something un-ethical you should confront them about it. Unless they are a different gender/race/religion/dress size/favorite ice cream falvor than you, then you can't actually report them for being unethical."