Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Feline Flu?

I was at a sports bar/night club this past Friday for some food, fun, and alkeehol. All three were had in excess, but I might have come away with cougar flu.

We got there around 7:30, started with the food and drink. A descent little cover band started playing around 9:00, I stopped drinking around 9:30 because I knew I'd end up being the dd for my buddy. By 10 my friend is three sheets to the wind as are a couple of the other guys in our group and they're all up dancing. Soon my friend finds me and pulls me up into the crowd, and very shortly after that various women - almost all of which are over 40 - start dancing around me and/or with me. The around me I didn't mind so much. When these women started grabbing me and pulling me close...yeah, that was uncomfortable. One told me I had beautiful eyes and kissed me on the cheek. Multiple girls rubbed my head and giggled as they danced around me. One of these girls ended up kissing me on the top of my head and left a lipstick mark. She looked at me and said "Sorry, I'm a hairdresser...had to do it!" I looked at her strangely and said, "Okay sure, but I don't have any's that work?" She smiled and went back to her beer.

In any case, if I was cougar hunting I could have had a full house. But I wasn't, and I barely made it back to my house awake as it was. We left at 2:00, I finally got back to my place after dropping my friend off at about 3:00, didn't fall asleep until 4. I woke up around 8 feeling like I was the punching bag in a boxercize class or something. And with a lipstick mark on my head still. At the end of the day I still feel the same, minus the lipstick. Throat is raw and swollen. So either I danced just a wee bit too much and sang a touch to loud, or I'm mildly sick.

Hmmm...cougar flu, maybe?

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