Wednesday, March 14, 2007

How can you NOT know?

I call shennanigans!

When you've given birth to a child before, how can you NOT know that you're pregnant with another full-term child? Did the missed periods not give an indication that something was awry? Did you not get sick whatsoever? Did you really eat so much and/or so poorly that you thought the weight gain and/or body shape change were due to your eating habits?

When the contractions started, she went to the hospital with "really bad back pain." Back pain, eh? I've never had contractions before so I have no idea what that feels like. But she has! Maybe she's got a faulty memory stick installed in her head? Did her "back pain" not ring any bells from a similar prior experience?

Then, when asked how this happened, she replied, "I don't really know how this happened!" Really? You're really not sure how this happened? So that means you didn't know how it happened the first time, either, and you never bothered to ask; or that you believe it's an immaculate conception (it's possible she believes this); or that you're full of it.

I'm going with the full of it bit. If you wanna tell an outrageous story, fine. I'm up for a good tale every now and then. Just please don't maintain a bs story over a period of 9 months and hose everyone over, including yourself and your child, in the process. In fact, it might honestly be better if the child were given up for adoption.


Anonymous said...

Are you discussing a news article or a friend in your circle?

- Enrique

I completely agree with you!

Unknown said...

An acquaintance of mine. She was trying to get people to believe that she didn't know she was pregnant for the past nine months; there are facts ivolved that pretty conclusively indicate she DID know and was intentionally trying to conceal it.