Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Vegas trip

Many of you know I went to Vegas for the Superbowl - good times! While I won't be disclosing all the details of the trip (uh, duh!), here are a few tidbits...

- I was originally told it was going to be 9 guys, 4 of which were my friends and the other 4 being total strangers to me. It ended up being 19 guys and six girls in three different cars. *sigh*

- All the guys on the trip ranged from 22-38 in age and spanned the majority of the professional realm. Medicine, technical, legal, banking, education, various engineering fields, and the like. Get us all on a trip to Vegas, though, and our collective age becomes 17 at best.

- We stayed at the Orleans which really was a pretty nice place for the price. The rooms and the casino were clean and well kept, the table minimums were comfortable (not too cheap, not too expensive), the drinks were mixed well, and the cocktail waitresses were much attractive. I'd definitely recommend it.

- Vegas was kind to me this trip. Maybe it felt like it owed me from last trip for taking me for $350. This time I took it for $215. Of course I gave $115 back immediately after the Superbowl, but they gave me one of the best full dinners I've ever had for it. Mmm...surf n' turf...

- I just don't like the sweet liquors. Whiskeys, rums, brown liquors...nope. Vodka and gin are for me. Oh, and Grey Goose really is that good. Really. Good.

- Latneau's been incognito for a good long while, but it was kinda like he was there because I won a Jagermeister t-shirt for screaming the loudest in the crowd at the bar. Let's see...Jager, random obnoxiousness, Vegas, alcohol, cards...yup, that's Latneau's crowd. Or at least it used to be - maybe he's changed?

- One of the guys wore velvet Corona pajama bottoms and slippers for a day on the strip. Another guy wore a yellow t-shirt, black sport coat, work out shorts, black dress socks, and brown dress shoes. Neither were me (seriously...if I were gonna do something like that, I would walk to game convention in a shower cap, shades, bathrobe, flip flops, and nothing else).

- I had a club/dance beat in my head for about 96 straight hours. A constant barrage of Usher, Nelly, Justin, new Madonna, Black Eyed Peas/Fergie, Sean Paul, and the like.

- Coming back from Vegas was like coming back from a foreign country. I had no access to the world other than the Superbowl and one hour of Sportscenter, no internet/email access, everyone spoke a foreign language, and all the landmarks were from other parts of the world.

- I. Love. The Food. Mmmm..... I really started getting used to Raspberry tarts and mochas for breakfast.

The trip wasn't insane, but it teetered on the edge of out-of-control on multiple occasions. I'm actually mildly shocked that nobody got arrested or kicked out of any establishments. It was a great freakin' time, tho...good times indeed!

And I'm glad to be back home.

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