Thursday, February 08, 2007

Hey! Teacher! Leave those kids alone!

I taught high school English for a living right after I graduated from college. I was damn good at it, too. A slew of factors moved me back to banking after only a couple of years teaching, though, one of which is the current state of edu-political affairs in the state of Arizona.

The AIMS test is Arizona's high-stakes graduation exam. If you pass it, you can graduate assuming you pass your classes. If you don't, you can't. The test started off on the wrong foot, though (too difficult in some parts, too porous in others), and has devolved into a steaming pile of educational BS. A freakin' joke. I'm not opposed to the idea of holding kids to standards and having a high-stakes exam of some sort, but this is ridiculous.

Educators educate, and the majority of them do that pretty well. The government writes, enforces, and interprets laws, and some politicians do that well. Unfortunately the government is trying to educate and the educators have started trying to govern. That doesn't work so least not for us here in AZ.

Sometimes I wish the public school system were run by private, not-for-profit companies...

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