Sunday, February 25, 2007

Beginnings and Endings

I can't stand Stephen Covey's books and his 7 habits. One of the tidbits that did stick with me from his premier book is this...

Begin with the end in mind.

While that concept was nothing terribly new to me, it was the most applicable and relevant of his not-new concepts that I read and I've applied it in a good many things...mostly at work, but some personal stuff too. It applies in a great many areas. In any case, that's old news. It's what happens when I begin a good many things.

Anywho, I was watching Mr. & Mrs. Smith for the first time on my recently re-acquired digitally broadcasted HBO tonight and heard a line I liked about endings. Forgive me if it's not an exact quote...

When you're at the end, you start thinking about the beginning.

For me, that's very true. When I come upon the end of something, regardless of whether it's a favorable ending or less than, I tend to think about how it started. Relationships. Sports seasons. Races. Projects at work. On new year's eve my buddy and I are thinking about how we started the year. When I move out I think about when I moved in. The end of school years I thought about the first time I saw the students.

Now that I'm aware of this tendency I'm afraid to start anything. If I begin with the end in mind, and I know that in the end I'm going to be thinking about the beginning...well, insert feedback loop here. I don't want my brain to melt out my ears as I'm picturing myself thinking about picturing myself thinking.

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