Friday, December 08, 2006

It's official now - I win

We were finally able to announce at work that I received the new position and will be transitioning over as of the new year, and I can honestly say that never has a move been easier and yet more draining. Two weeks deciding whether or not to post, waiting as long as possible to see what my own management chain would offer, if anything. Two weeks waiting for the opportunity to interview. Two weeks in negotiations. Then a week of waiting for undisclosable purposes.

Seven weeks, one new job. I'm glad the waiting is over.

When we made the announcements today one of my immediate reports started crying. I wanted to hug her but that might have been awkward for both of us. She'll be fine. Others were welcoming and looked forward to my arrival.

I just look forward to the opportunity of building my own department and working myself into a promotion. Hopefully I'll be able to bring over some of my better employees along the way.


Anonymous said...


Hayden said...

Hooray! Congrats man.

Jason said...

You're building a department of something? Uh, I can add :)

Seriously, congrats!