Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I don't get it...

I'm in a corporate sales/service training certification class right now with a bunch of CEOs, decision makers, and head trainers. The idea is that after I finish this week-long process I'll be certified to take the material back to my company and teach it to more peeps...COOL! No problem, I can teach! It's at the Ritz-Carlton, too, and for those that have never been to one, they REALLY take care of you well....like OMG well! I'll post more about that later with some pictures.

Anywho, you know that all of these folks have attended all sorts of assorted seminars, meetings, and conventions in the past, and all of them have probably conducted said meetings as well. What do all these things have in common? They ask you/expect you to turn your cellphones to off or some form of silent alert during the presentations. So, knowing that everyone in the room has been in these situations before, HOW THE HECK IS IT THAT PEOPLE STILL HAVE THEIR CELL RINGERS ON???

Yes, that happened. Both days so far, and I fully expect it will happen again tomorrow, and then again on Thursday.

C'mon, folks...there's only 21 others of you in there with me! Can't we all get it right? Just once?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why people still use the "ringer" on their phone. Why not just put it on vibrate and leave it there?

- Enrique