Monday, June 19, 2006

Ode to my Nemesis

I was listening to a song the other day and the lyrics instantly sent me back to sixth grade...the first time I met my Nemesis. What a grand day...

In any case, I post them for your enjoyment and understanding.

(Please note, Colleen, that I know longer loath you. Now it's just pleasant contempt, respect, and general fondness. Or something like that. You can cut out that "whole life long" bit.)

What is this feeling so sudden and new
I felt the moment I laid eyes on you?
My pulse is rushing, my head is reeling
My face is flushing, what is this feeling?
Fervid as a flame, does it have a name?



Unadulterated loathing
For your face, your voice, your clothing.
Lets just say I loathe it all.
Every little trait however small,
Makes my very flesh begin to crawl,
With simple utter loathing.
Theres a strange exilhiration
In such total detestation.
It's so pure, so strong!
Though i do admit it came on fast,
Still, I do believe that it can last
and i will be loathing,
loathing you my whole life long.

And with a little luck, I'll be going to see this performed live. I'll find out tomorrow afternoon. Cross them fingers!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm giggling on my end!

Hayden said...

Wicked is absolutely awesome!