Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Evidence of things unseen

There are things out there that we can't see. You can agree or disagree as you like, but it's true. Sometimes we just know they're there without much real explanation. Other times we have evidence of things unseen. Case in point - the wind.

You can't really see the wind, but we know it's there. It makes flags wave, spins windmills, creates ocean waves, and in Arizona it creates the phenomenon known as the haboob - a giant wall of dust that moves across a region. If you've seen Stargate (and I know many of you have), the storm that sweeps over the desert town is ushered in with a haboob. For those that haven't, or simply forgot what it was...

In any case, today a storm swept up from the south across the valley which is rather odd for this time of year...normally such things don't really start to occurr until mid-summer. In any case, I had just walked out of work and sat in my car when I saw the wall of dust just south of South Mountain (gee, where's that name come from?). Five minutes later, the mountain had been completely shrouded in dust and flying earth. It was almost surreal getting to watch the dust crawl down the folds in the mountain then spread out like fog...I'd never stared at the wall head on (normally you just kinda get hit with it or find yourself in the middle of one) and the mountain takeover was downright nifty to watch. But the dust and dirt didn't move itself, that's for sure. Only that which is unseen could create such a force that makes mountains disappear.

1 comment:

TheGirard said...


I took it on Branden Fraser style...and drove right into the mouth.