Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Ragnarok Family

When I've got time to kill, these are some of the folks I hang out with - the Genesis Guild. From left to right:

Reyna, Wizard - fun lil' gal out on the east side of the country somewhere. Took a break for a while due to grades and worked her way back.

Shade, Monk - This is me!!! I'm a hybrid monk, much more fun than serious character. I can heal and buff myself AND kick ass...sort of. If I ever get to 99 and rebirth I'll definitely do things a touch differently. I'm sort of the idiot of the crew that helps keep things fun. Kinda like in real life, the guildies often just look at me and shake their heads... But they know if they need me I'm there.

Rose, High Priestess - AKA Saveena. Orlando's g/f in real life, and wife in the game (yes, you can get married in the game, go on honeymoons, adopt children...kinda cool, actually). She's often the difference between life and death for me.

(Middle Front) Gyrick, Rogue - AKA Orlando. One of the coolest guys in the guild. He and Rose are out of the NY/NJ area. I make him laugh (a lot) and get him in trouble with his girlfriend.

(Middle Back) AC, Champion - AKA Yifan. The leader of the guild, and what I'll be after I rebirth. Christina's b/f in real life, and husband in the game. He and his g/f are also out of the NY/NJ area. He takes down some beefyness with single punches.

Chafrika, Priestess - AKA Christina. Helped my merchant a great deal along with Muffin who apparently still hasn't got her license yet (Muffin, not Christina).

Rikku, Assassin - She's...okay, she's one of the few people I've found in this world that can out-random me with great ease and even greater regularity. She pwns me and that's just the way it is. But much hella fun to have in the guild.

Ral Tafer, Crusader - Nobody really gave this guy a shot to be much of anything serious because of how he was building the character, but he's stuck out the long road and has slowly and steadly become one of the most dependable Sword n' Shield guys in the game. He and I worked extremely well together early on and is still great to have in a party.

Missing: Tellah, Priest - AKA Sonny. Husband of Izumi in game, and Pearl in real life. I'm the reason he plays this game at all. He's the reason I came back to it. Better at it than I'll ever be. I created a monster. He wasn't feeling well this night, though, and needed to try and catch some rest.

There's plenty more in the guild, but these are most of the regulars. These folks are the reasons my character is anything at all...one day I'll even get out to NY/NJ and see some of the crew!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
