Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My First Meme...

Forgive me if I indulge myself a bit. I haven't done one of these before.

3 JOBS I'VE HELD: Inbound call center representative; Assistant Branch Manager/Supervisor; High School English Teacher

3 MOVIES I COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER: The Blues Brothers; Tombstone; The Matrix

3 PLACES I'VE LIVED: Columbus, OH; Phoenix, AZ; Payson, AZ

3 FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Football; Sportscenter; The Simpsons (I needed at least one non-sports show, although NHL and college hoops are both right there)

3 VACATIONS I'VE TAKEN: Catalina Island; Oceanside, CA; Disneyland; Vegas; GenCon Indy. That's five. Sue me.

3 WEBSITES I VISIT DAILY: Every blog/link listed to my right; ROEmpire.com; yahoo.com

3 FAVORITE FOODS: Pizza; creme brulee; baby back ribs.

3 PLACES I'D RATHER BE: In a condo by Santa Monica Pier or Newport Beach; In a home next to a stream in the woods; in the rose garden of our back yard on the hill overlooking the ocean with the one I love watching the sunset.

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