Monday, June 25, 2007

Honk if you want to be on TV

I'd like to be interviewed on a nationally televised major morning show or late show. I think it'd be kinda neat to have someone ask me questions, to which my answers are broadcast to millions of people. Just think about if...folks everywhere listening to what you have to say! I dig it.

The problem with this is I'm just a normal guy. No inventions, no fame, no infamy (yet). So I figure my best shot is to get onto David Letterman (which would be my preferred show, btw...I think Letterman is a very interesting man, and Paul Schaffer is freakin awesome) in his Stupid Human Tricks bit. How, you ask? No, not with my jig which - trust me on this - is a sight to behold. No, it would be for my honk.

That's right. I honk. Like a clown nose or bike horn. Except I don't have a squeaker installed in my throat (contrary to my boss' opinion). It's au naturale, baby!

Then, when I get on Letterman I'm going to ask him if he'd have me back to interview me as a regularly scheduled guest. I may be a regular guy, but I've got a feeling I would be one of the more memorable interviews he's ever had. Goodness knows that would be one of my most interesting memories ever.

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