Thursday, October 20, 2005

It's beginning to look a lot like...

commercial American X-mas. And I can't stand it

I mean it. I can't hardly tolerate going into a big box right now.

Part of the reason I can't stand it is because stores selling X-mas stuff starting Oct. 1 are simply taking the focus away from the fun holiday of Halloween. I mean, you've got Halloween at the end of October, Thanksgiving at the end of November, and Christmas at the end of December...and yet the last holiday of them all gets the most shelf-time at the ol' big box, competing w/the first one? Sad.

But that's really the least of it. Why don't stores put Halloween merchandise on the shelves 10 weeks prior to the holiday? Because it won't sell. Ah, but X-mas stuff apparently does (which means I'm also not a big fan of the people buying the merchandise that early, either). So yes...duh! It comes down to the almighty dollar! Nevermind the fact that I've seen nativity scenes on sale in the same isle as demon masks and statues at the same time. So long as they both bring in the Ben's, right?

From a purely business standpoint I can't say that I blame the companies doing it. If it sells well and the consumers are happy there's really little motivation for them *not* to sell it. Nonetheless, it frustrates me that companies refuse to hold off to sell X-mas gear until at least November, and it frustrates me a little more that people feel they need X-mas gear SOOOO much that they can't possibly buy enough of it from 11/1-12/24 so they have to start a full month earlier.

I realize not everyone does this. I know there's a vast body of people out there that still celebrate Christmas in it's traditional sense and remember the events that the holiday was intended to honor. I just get frustrated by the fact that $$$ has bastardized something wonderful and turned it into X.

*end rant...maybe*


BubbaJoe said...

You are so right Scott. I could not agree more.

Bubba Joe

TheGirard said...

Go decorate a cactus!!!


Unknown said...

LOL...funny you mention that. My family back home (Ohio) thinks it's the most hilarious thing that we decorate saguaros, palm trees...well, pretty much anything during the holidays. Evidently there are unspoken restrictions in the midwest on what can have a light bulb hung from it???

BubbaJoe said...

It is not just the mid-west, it is the NorthWest as well. But considering that 1/3 of Washington and Oregon is forest with evergreen trees (or called Classic Christmas trees)... I guess it would be 'fruity' to decorate a cactus when in those locations.

But I think it is perfectly almost normal here. =)

Jason said...

Great, now you've got me thinking of this piece of art I saw in one of our style guides. Something like Ed in a Santa hat, playing in the snow with Winry & Al. I'm sure we can make that into a promo card....