Saturday, January 14, 2006


I've never been much of a picture guy. I always hated taking pictures because so many came out crappy but you still had to pay for them, and I generally don't much enjoy looking at pictures because...well, it's just not the same as being there. My friends and family don't really understand what it is to be at a convention, though, and they'd like to see some pics; and some folks that check out the blog are interested in seeing some of the folks here, so for Christmas I figured I would take some money and get me a relatively cheap digital cam. My folks one-uped me, though, and bought one for me along with a new printer (which I know they got for free because my parents are "frugal" but, even as decent as my printer is, this free one is still way better), so the deed is done. Neet. So now I've got this camera but no convention until May, and I really have little idea at all about what to take pictures of? Any thoughts? Requests?

I figured maybe I'd take a picture of the sun and post it up here for Mark in case he forgot what it looks like, but that's just mean (truth be told, Mark, we *really* need that rain you're getting up there - we're on a 90+ day rainless streak).

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