Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Happy Birthday, Controller!!!

One year ago today this blog was born. Conceived from peer pressure, produced as an experiment, and nurtured by neurosis, I look back on this online journal and am amazed it lasted any longer than three months. When I was in school I always hated journaling but I'm thinking it was for three reasons: I didn't appreciate being told what to write about, I didn't like the fact that I didn't get to choose who saw this journal, and I didn't care for my teachers to numerically qualify my thoughts. Evidently my brain thinks this is different.

So, to celebrate, I've given my blog a spiffy new hit counter! Time to see how many different people actually love me (seven, maybe?). If you appreciate the blog, cool! I appreciate your looking. If you don't...well, give it an F. See if I care.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, dude. I tried the "refresh trick", but it didn't work. Maybe I'll remember to check tonight from home to help pad the numbers.

- Enrique
"The last person on Earth without a Blog"

Hayden said...

Happy Birthday! Keep those entries coming.

BubbaJoe said...

Congratulations, you are definately updating more than I am, so kudos to you.